The official Peter Breck website





"just Kickin' Back" cd cover


JUST KICKIN’ BACK ------ easy country listening.

The C.D.  is available through the producer – Peter Teris

Cost is $15.00 plus $3.00 S & H

Please make all checks or money orders payable to Peter Teris


Mail to:  209 Fox Run Drive,

                Venetia ,  Pa.,

                 U.S.A. 15367 


Allow 4 – 6 weeks for  delivery


Or you can view and order through "CDBaby" at $14.97




Thanks for ordering my C.D.  I hope you enjoy my effort.

Have a listen to samples of three clips "Back Home", "Good Times" and "Crazy Joe", from the C.D., by clicking on the C.D. at top or by going here "Just Kickin' Back".

It takes a lot of people and time to get these things out properly.  The jacket inside will be of interest for every recipient -----    ENJOY !!!!!!!!!


Peter B.  or  Nick




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Site design  by Aithra Productions Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Canada